PhpPgAdmin is a powerful and multifunctional software tool that is employed to manage PostgreSQL databases. It gives you complete control of every database by using user-friendly web interface, therefore you won't need to employ a command line or the narrow interface of the script app which uses a specific database. Using phpPgAdmin, you're able to import/export databases employing various formats - SQL, CSV, XML , etcetera, so you will be able to transfer all your database-driven sites from one provider to a new one without any difficulty or one could simply keep a backup on your PC. Also, you can create, delete and / or update separate cells or entire rows and tables part of your database with a couple of clicks. The software tool also offers the option to give different permissions to different database users, so you are able to manage the level of accessibility that other people have.

phpPgAdmin in Hosting

In case the Linux hosting service that you select supports PostgreSQL databases as standard or you obtain them as an upgrade, you'll be able to use phpPgAdmin to control them. The instrument is accessible through the PostgreSQL section of our custom Hepsia website hosting Control Panel and it takes just a click to log in to each of your databases. This will happen immediately in a new tab of your browser, but in case you would like to grant access to a database to a third person, you'll be able to provide them with the login credentials for that specific database and they'll be able to use our direct phpPgAdmin login page. This way, a web designer or a company IT person will be able to work on a specific website without accessing any other thing inside your shared web hosting account - files, email messages, personal details, and so on.

phpPgAdmin in Semi-dedicated Servers

You will be able to access and use phpPgAdmin to control every database with only a few mouse-clicks in case you host your websites using a semi-dedicated server package from us. When you go to the PostgreSQL section of our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel, you will find a little phpPgAdmin button next to every single database that you have created. Any time you click on this button for a particular database, you will be logged in automatically, so you won't need to type in any additional login credentials. Since you could use the services of a web designer, however, we have also provided an alternative to access phpPgAdmin manually via a direct login page where the database username and password needs to be entered. In this way, the designer won't be able to access your files or view your personal contact details.